Deeper ThinkingConfidentWorld Ready

Ashley is dedicated to creating a mutually respective classroom environment that encourages each child to make meaningful connections with their life outside of the classroom. She is passionate about student-led inquiry and concept-driven engagements that create diverse learning opportunities for each student. Ashley has just returned 
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Deniece is excited to be joining the team at Richland Academy. She received her Bachelor of Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) in 2011 and has worked as a full-time teacher in the private system for the past 8 years. She’s 
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Sarah Sherman holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto where she majored in History and double-minored in French and Renaissance Studies. She also holds a Bachelor of Education from Nipissing University in the Primary/Junior division. Dedicated to professional growth and development, 
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Asha is an outgoing leader, educator and life long learner. She has experience teaching in a private school setting, both in Ontario and in the United Kingdom. Asha graduated from Laurier-Nipissing’s Concurrent Education Program, where she obtained her Bachelors of Arts and Bachelors of Education. 
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Millie teaches Grade 7 at Richland Academy. Mrs. Soriano’s has over ten years of teaching experience in a private school setting as a Homeroom teacher, ESL teacher and Art Specialist, as well as three years of experience teaching internationally as an English teacher in Japan. 
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John has worked within Richland since the 2018/19 school year as an educational assistant and supply teacher, and now joins our team as the Grade 7 & 8 maths and sciences teacher. He studied at Queen’s University on two separate occasions, achieving both his Bachelors 
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Giancarlo De Luca has been a part of the Richland family for over 5 years. Born and raised in Richmond Hill, Giancarlo is very much so a homegrown talent. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honors in Sociology, a Bachelor of Education degree, 
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Selina holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master’s degree in Management. Her passion for education has led her to obtain a teacher certificate in Early Childhood Education and a certificate in special education. With over a decade of experience working with children in various 
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Susan strives to create an environment where children feel respected, cared for, and valued. She creates a collaborative classroom community, inclusive of all students, cultures, and backgrounds. She is also a visual artist, which allows her to plan transdisciplinary learning engagements that inspire students to 
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Hind has been an elementary school teacher for over 20 years. Hind believes that progressing children’s literacy skills is fundamental and critical to their individual and collective future development. She embraces the progressive thinking of the Reggio philosophy, which honours children and their rights as 
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  • 11570 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4E 3N7
  • 905-224-5600
  • 365-887-4111