Our visual arts program is dedicated to the creative process and projects are a collaboration and reflection of work taking place across the curriculum. Artistic skills are developed through the exploration of various disciplines, including printmaking, sketching, painting, and sculpture, often through the lens of art history. Materials are an important part of the visual arts program and students are exposed to a variety of quality materials including wood, clay, wire, watercolour, acrylic, and pen and ink to explore and express creative ideas in a powerful and meaningful way.
Our performing arts curriculum is often reflective of ideas and inquiries stemming from other disciplines, as well as the interests of the children. This approach provides every Richland student with an opportunity to express themselves through as well as reflecting and responding to the performing arts of music, drama, and dance. Students learn the technical aspects along with the collaborative aspects of music through voice and instruments, and have many opportunities for performing over the course of the year.
Our children experience a rich range of instruments. As our young learners develop their fine motor skills, they explore the Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze approaches to learning music and also develop their appreciation of music. Richland’s kindergarten students are introduced to piano; a skill which they hone further through grades 1-3, while also becoming more heavily involved in formal vocal and choral music. In grade 4 students begin Richland’s Concert Band Program, an opportunity that is typically not offered until much later at most other schools. They continue to refine their instrumental band skills through to Grade 8.