Deeper ThinkingConfidentWorld Ready

During our recent Science Inquiry Festival, our JK students used a variety of materials to build with and express their frog ideas with their parents, including sharing their photography images, creating frogs in Origami, painting watercolour masterpieces, designing a model magic tadpole family, and observing 
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Today, Richland students highlighted their scientific and inquiry learning talents at our ‘Science Inquiry Festival.’ Explorations included: the life cycle of a frog, butterflies, sensory organs, simple machines, food chains, moving bodies, and chair constructions. Congratulations to our students for their hard work and dedication 
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Some of the SK children began to take manipulatives from the light table, and ‘present’ them one by one to the butterflies in their butterfly habitat. They spent ten minutes, patiently testing, which manipulatives the butterflies reacted to, and sorted them into two piles.  “These 
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Our Grade 4 students have been exploring the many forms of  ‘Structure’ through Science, Math, Literacy and Investigative Research.The students have primarily explored the stability and movement of the Skeletal System in order to build their own strong and stable skeletal structures. They have also 
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Following their initial investigations into ‘Structures,’ our Grade 3 class hypothesized about: “What do you think a structure is?” “What is needed to support the structure?” “What materials and shapes will give it strength?” and “What shapes will be best for the function of the 
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Recently, some of our SK students, Jerry, Caden and Rafael, began to create a butterfly garden using recycled materials, rocks, glass pebbles, and artificial flowers.  Very early on in this process they retrieved the models of a butterfly, caterpillar, chrysalis and egg, and used these 
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During Investigative Research time one afternoon, the question, “What do you know about ‘seeds’ or ‘planting’?” was posed to the JK children. As their thoughts, ideas and theories were discussed, a chart, which many engaged in, became a ‘work in progress’ which they will revisit 
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On November 3rd, our Grade 4 students opened the door to the gymnasium to show their honoured guests what they had been working on in Investigative Research. The students proudly displayed their research findings and technological skills in their Canada Convention (Cana-Con). The students spent 
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The JK children’s interest in fall leaves has escalated. During their first Investigative Research session with the SK children, they went searching for colourful and different fall leaves. Their first task was to really look carefully at the leaves: colour, shape, and type. They then 
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  • 905-224-5600
  • 365-887-4111