The Prek class performs their play for parents in Performing Arts with Ms. Amy Pitt, deepening their understanding of Canadian Geese and Community through emotion, empathy, and experience.
Richland’s Performing Arts teacher, Ms. Amy Pitt, brings us our latest blog posting:
The PK class has been investigating baby chicks and eggs with Mrs. Abreu for the Science Inquiry this school year. In alignment with this, I created dramatic opportunities in Performing Arts class to further their understanding through dramatic role-play, starting with creative imaging and kinesthetic activities surrounding eggs and hatching.“When I was being baby chicky in the egg, I felt warm and hot like a blanky.”-L.T.
Canadian geese have also been congregating in the school yard the last few weeks and the children have shown much curiosity and interest in them. It was due to these factors that I chose to dramatize a story about Canadian Geese and their babies with the children. We have been working away on our original production of Grady the Goose, adapted from the book “Grady the Goose” by Denise Brennan-Nelson over the last month or so. Through the integration of Performing Arts, children are offered another valuable way to show what they know and empathize with the world outside the classroom on an emotional level through experiential, imaginary play.
“I liked when I was Grady because she said we should all stick together like them (Canadian Geese). – M.A.
“I said bok bok bok. I liked being the chicken. The wings are like this!” – J.C.
We had an opportunity to perform our production for their parents recently and had a wonderful time on this project while learning together about Canadian Geese, hatching eggs, playing a character, tone of voice, staging, and perhaps most importantly, the meaning and worth of a community that “sticks together”.
“We all hugged at the end, I liked that.”– L.M.
More insights about their production from the Prek class;
“I hugged Grady.” – J.C.
“Mooo!” – Y.K.
“I was the wolf.”– K.A.
“I liked when I honked.” – T.J.
“I made a noise like a sheep like baaah!” – I.N.
“My mommy came to see the play.” – B.T.
“I liked bowing in a line at the end.” – M.H.