At Richland we value the level of engagement we enjoy with our families. Whether they are joining us for learning at school, or sending in learning experiences that have transpired at home; we are grateful for their input. We were delighted to receive the following insightful comments from our JK families, reflecting on a recent investigation of light and shadows.“The presentation was very ‘enlightening’. It was exciting to see what a variety of observations took place with the creation of a shadow. Observations were very wide and far beyond what I would think possible for JK students. It is also really wonderful to see conclusions that were from the heart.”
“It’s amazing seeing how many different ways children describe ‘shadow’. As a second language speaker, I didn’t even know the world ‘collaborative’ before! I am learning English every day from my children. B. and I once had a shadow race before, we shall have more!”
“Reading J.’s science inquiry journal has been a wonderful experience. His thoughtful observations have amazed us. We are proud of his accomplishments, and he should be as well. As he discussed his journal with us his face lit up with excitement. Seeing him so engaged in his learning is wonderful. Thank you for helping J. flourish in his learning.”“Very interesting thoughts from little people! A. can recognize her shadow and talks about it. She was very proud when she was showing us her journal. Good work JKs!”
“As I read through D.’s science inquiry journal, many emotions are felt. I’m proud of his hard work and intrigued at the many thoughtful observations. I’m grateful that he is given the opportunity every day to observe, engage, and express. Thank you for creating an environment in which D. is flourishing his many talents.”“I was very impressed with the work and experience that V. has gained. The different ways of thinking and seeing things as a child makes me wonder about how wonderful it is. Thank you for all you do for our daughter.”
“It was an impressive seminar and it was amazing that the JK students were able to come up with lots of ideas after the exploration and experimentation of light and shadow. Now I’ve learned that shadows can be formed in different colours, not only in black!”
“R. was very excited about light and shadow experiments. He lined up his construction toys on a sunny morning and saw the differences in shadow. Then he went outside to notice his own shadow on the grass. It was an absolute pleasure watching him as he gets excited about learning.”