“Out of Our Minds is a passionate and powerful call for radically different approaches to leadership, teaching and professional development to help us all to meet the extraordinary challenges of living and working in the 21st century. There is a paradox. As children, most of us think we are highly creative; as adults many of us think we are not. What changes when we grow up? Organizations across the globe are competing in a world that is changing faster than ever. They say they need people who can think creatively, who are flexible and quick to adapt. Too often they say they can’t find them. Why not? In this provocative book, Ken Robinson addresses three vital questions: ‘Why is it essential to promote creativity?’ ‘What is the problem?’ and ‘What can be done about it?’” View video footage from ‘The Case for Creativity,’ featuring visionary, Ken Robinson.
At Richland, we understand that if students are to succeed with a global mindset, they need opportunities to experience the world, develop a sense of shared citizenship and become experts in 21st-century literacies. Our students are continuously guided to spend time inquiring, exploring, discovering and experimenting with the information that they obtain and ultimately transform. In this way, they take ownership of their education; learning becomes tangible to them as they make connections between theories, and they are motivated to learn because they are active, fully engaged, and truly enjoy what they are doing. Read more about 21st-century Education and “The Freedom to Learn in the Conceptual Age of Schooling.”
Education is not a linear process of preparation for the future: it is about cultivating the talents and sensibilities through which we can live our best lives in the present and create the future for ourselves.
~Ken Robinson
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thank you for your sharing. great post!