We spend a lot of time, throughout the year, with observational drawing. It supports the children in slowing down, and really learning how to record what they actually see, rather than what think something looks like. Through noticing the details, the children’s understandings deepen and further questions are provoked.For example, when drawing a leaf children began to notice different shapes, shades of colour, texture and parts of the leaf such as the veins. They compared how they were the same and different. This provided an entry point into sorting, classifying and grouping the leaves, which supports the development of mathematical and scientific vocabulary. Noticing the details also provided the children with an opportunity to revisit and ‘look again’ at their work. This in turn, encouraged ‘The Ethics of Excellence’ in their leaf representations. After the initial drawing of leaves, the children have recently been drawing the small creatures they have collected during their outdoor recess time.