For the past few weeks our students have been developing their media literacy skills through touch-typing practice. Using the resource, BBC Typing, our class has been focusing on utilizing every digit to maximize speed. The development of this skill is essential to our students, as the technology sector continues to experience growth in conjunction with an employment pool that is all but dry. In addition to touch-typing, students have been participating in The Hour of Code.
This resource allows students to participate in code formulation in a manner which makes the learning fun, engaging, and memorable. I encourage you to investigate this site and ask your child to give you a lesson on coding!
Last week the Grade 5/6 Class began creating rough outlines for their own boardgames. These boardgames are being created with the intention of providing entertainment, while also educating players on the realities of the interactions between First Nations and Europeans in early Canada and New France. Students created their own small groups and have been collaborating to formulate their game; the rules, instructions, structure, and design.
This assignment requires students to consider more deeply the relationship between settlers and First Nations. What was each party’s motivation? How did each group view land use and utilize natural resources? Did either side win? Were there sides? All of these questions are central to our investigation of how the relationship between First Nations and Canada has developed to its current state.