We have begun to delve deeply into what the 10 International Baccalaureate Learner Profiles attributes are, and how we see these reflected in the daily actions of the children in the classroom. The Learner Profile attributes are the values that are integral to any IB school, and are very much part of our daily life. They help the children to become responsible local, national and global citizens, and are also a window into the learning styles and personalities of the children.
As their teachers, we model the language of the Learner Profile attributes, “I am a risk taker when I try eating something new”, and we have also created a ‘shout out’ board for the children, where they can add examples of when they feel their friend has shown a particular attribute. We have begun to play the Learner Profile song each morning, recognizing children learn new concepts in different ways. Songs can be a very effective way of learning big concepts at such an early age.
Below are just a few examples of how the Learner Profile Attributes have been playing out at school.

Tori was upset that her new coat had got a little bit dirty. James saw she was upset, and immediately gave her one of his special leaves that he had been collecting.

In play the children were able to listen to and respect each other’s ideas.

We have been delighted to see how many children are now trying new foods in our cafe. They will encourage each others, and often share, “She is a risk taker!”

Many of the children now feel they are knowledgeable about things, and love to share this knowledge with their friends. This student has a particular interest in Egyptians and Egyptian mummies, clearly reflected in his choice of Halloween costume last month.

Here the children are making decisions and solving problems as they share materials, and create their own patterns.

Often the children will seek out the peaceful corner to self regulate. Yoga is also an activity that all the children ask for, and both help to keep the children happy and healthy.

Here this student is showing that she has thought deeply about what she learned around Remembrance Day, and took action as she created felt poppies for all her friends to wear.

The children were asked to share about themselves as part of our Who We Are inquiry. As a communicator they were given agency to share their thinking however they chose. It was wonderful to see the children communicate in so many different ways.

Here we can see how the children are curious and really enjoy learning. They were making houses as part of their Where We Are In Place and Time (Homes) inquiry.
These Learner Profile attributes will continue to be revisited throughout the students’ IB PYP journey. They really do help to support all the children in becoming life long learners and internationally minded citizens.