Block play can enhance creativity and problem solving skills. The block centre can be a terrific place for children to expand their imagination. Block play gives children a chance to work together and enhances the opportunities for children to share materials. Block play builds children’s abilities to develop emotional and social skills.
“As Preschoolers interact with blocks, creative ideas and discoveries emerge.” (Teaching Young Children, 2011)
Blocks are the tools with which the children tell us the meanings they have created and the understandings they have achieved. In symbolically recreating their world through their block building and dramatic play, children are also strengthening the skills and abilities needed for accepting and using the social systems of language and mathematics.
- Creative exploration
- Problem solving and reasoning strategies
- Concrete manipulation
- Child initiated cooperation
“In observing and supporting their block play, we are offered openings into the children’s worlds, opportunities to see the meanings they have created, the questions with which they are struggling, and the stories they are boldly and imaginatively authoring about the world and their place in it.” (Child Care Information Exchange, 2010)
“When it comes to block play, it’s all in the Imagination.” (Karen Stephens, Director of Illinois State University Child Care Center)