Deeper ThinkingConfidentWorld Ready

Explorations with Ice and Snow in Senior Kindergarten

Richland’s SK children were fascinated by the discovery of ice and frozen snow pieces in the kindergarten playground.They began to collect different shaped snow blocks and pile them up in one area.  “We’re making a home so the animals can hibernate”, they shared.Other children immediately asked, “Is this packing snow?”, and began to construct with the ice and snow, “Sculptures.  This one is balanced.  We used the sticks first, and then added the ice to make it stand.  Then we worked as a team, and built our beautiful sculpture.  Tomorrow we are going to add more to it.”The children were thrilled to find the ice had taken the shape of the place where it had formed.  “Look, this is a huge circle.  I’m going to make it into birthday cake”. Icicles were added as ‘candles’, and the children wondered, “If they will still be there in February.” Others were fascinated by the texture of the ice they found, holding the pieces up to the light to observe closer, and wondering why, “Look.  It has lots of bubbles in it.  Maybe a fairy put them there”.The simple joys of discovering a new ‘material’ they could engage with, and that sparked their natural curiosity.  An entry point into new scientific and creative discoveries.

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