As a follow-up book to her personal narrative as a teacher and researcher in Bringing Reggio Emilia Home, Louise Boyd Cadwell builds on her work in The Reggio Approach to Early Childhood Education: Bringing Learning to Life. Cadwell “helps American educators understand what it means to use ideas from the Reggio Approach in their classrooms”, by taking the readers “inside the day-to-day practices of a group of early childhood educators. This time she describes the growth and evolution of the work in the St. Louis Reggio Collaborative over the past 10 years.” (Source: Bringing Learning to Life)
Louise Cadwell and her colleagues have honoured the extraordinary work of the pre-schools in Reggio Emilia in the best possible way. This book is a rich portrait of the exploration of the meaning of Reggio’s work in their own schools, giving us vivid portraits of both the teachers’ and the students’ work and learning.
~Steve Seidel, Director, Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.