Today Inquiring Minds brings you a post from Richland’s Director of Community Life, Mrs. Laura Murgatroyd, about her search for balance as we begin the new school year.
For those of us that work in education, September is our new year. It is a time for new beginnings; routines and plans fuelled by hopes and dreams of all that is possible. Just like our students, we tidy our bags, organize our desks, and make many promises to ourselves. For me personally, this is my favourite time of the year – I love the chance to start again.
Here are some highlights of what the school year is going to look like for me:
- Workout at the gym three times a week (it gives you energy, you know)
- Pack high protein lunches every day (carbs are not my friend)
- Take more photos (hello, Instagram!)
- Read more (I heart books)
With the exception of Instagram, this list is looking painfully familiar from years past. Maybe this year will be the year. Maybe. Did I mention we just got a puppy? You know what they say; dogs are great – perfect for teaching children responsibility and a great source of stress relief. Yet, in an instant my plans for a perfect new school year have been kicked to the curb. How can I possibly leave this sweet little lady and go to the gym? How can I prepare lunches when I am vacuuming for the 5th time today? How am I going to do all of this? How am I going to have balance and control over my life?I know you get it, you’re busy too, we all are. I guess the point I am trying to make is this: it’s going to be okay. Even when it gets a bit shambolic, and even when life pushes you in directions you hadn’t anticipated, it’s all okay. It will all get done.
In so many respects, I have come to realize just how much education mirrors life. It’s not perfect, we cannot control everything about it, and it can be messy and uncomfortable at times. It can also be completely awesome – just like our puppy. I’m as excited as ever for the new school year to begin, and even more excited about approaching it with a new perspective.
Here are my recently altered highlights of what the school year is going to look like for me:
- Be patient
- Keep it simple
- Live in the moment
- Walk the dog (I probably need it as much as she does)
As the new school year unfolds, breathe in, breathe out, and let go of any unrealistic expectations for ourselves and others that don’t serve us well. Life is good.