When we think of writing poetry, we immediately think of structure, rhyme and the various rules governing this writing genre. We can be wary, hesitant and unconfident in our ability to engage in such a powerful medium of communication. But, what about letting our thoughts and feelings run freely? What about letting go of rules, letting go of structure that bind our thinking? What about writing free verse; one of many poetic styles?
Even at such a young age, our students can and will engage in poetry writing in a fun and interactive way. In allowing them the freedom of writing in ‘free verse’, we are providing them with a platform where they can let their ideas run wild. The words on their page will read more like a conversation or story.
The children in Grade Two are learning about ‘poetry’ through writing free-verse acrostic poems. The poems they are writing and will continue to engage in, are unique and a reflection of themselves. As they engage in this form of writing, they compose language about topics of importance to them and the world around them. Last week, our students in Grades Two wrote poems about Remembrance words, by choosing relevant language and describing their feelings and thoughts about such an important memory. They selected key vocabulary to enhance their ideas.
The vocabulary that transpires from such an activity relies on the use of the dictionary and thesaurus, two important resources our children are learning to employ in their writing. Moreover, when children share their acrostic poems and their rich schema of vocabulary, they are in fact, learning from each other in a fun and interactive manner.
“Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.” -Robert Frost