Today’s blog post comes from Richland’s PK and JK teachers, and captures the experience they had with their students.
After the official opening of the Hawkins Exhibit, ‘Cultivate the Scientist in Every Child’, we took our PK and JK friends for a first session into the foyer, to see firsthand what traces of learning were left behind.Rich thoughts were immediately shared, as the images captivated our children. Our boys and girls were in awe and intrigued by the beauty of the panels. The collaboration was powerful and inspirational, as the children were fully immersed in ‘Messing About’ with the materials.
When we asked the PK and JK what ‘Messing About’ meant, D.B. contributed, “When you build something, it keeps changing and… it never stays the same.” J.C. pronounced, “Messing about means tinkering about.”
Our work with the Hawkins Exhibit is blossoming with each revisit, as we return again and again to ‘Mess About.’ And, as O.Mc shared most astutely, “It is something, then something else.”
Our interest is so alive and vibrant, that we are inspired to pursue this ‘Messing About’ with our PK and JK classes throughout the school year. We will be presenting our data, research, experiences, photos, and documentation with our school community at its unveiling during our Science Inquiry Day.
How poignant, as B.T. stated, “I want to go to the Hawkins Exhibit again and again!”