Richland’s Senior Kindergarten children have been exploring the idea of fractions recently. How could they show their understanding using different literacies?The children chose their own materials and ways of showing their knowledge. This experience enabled them to work collaboratively, problem solve, apply mathematical concepts, and connect to prior knowledge.
As is evident from the photos, their ideas were creative and effective in communicating their understanding of fractions!
Here are some questions from JK about your work:
I wonder who took the picture?
I wonder how they built the tower?
I wonder how they put it on the blog?
I wonder how they built different towers?
Wonderful job at building your towers for us to see!
The SKs were very happy and excited to answer your questions:
Mrs. Daniel took the picture. (Zackary)
We made it out of blocks. We made it first, and then when we took it apart. It looked like two flags to me. (Mya) First Mya made the little blocks and the feet, and I did the other stuff or decorations. (Parisa)
I think how they put it on the blog was they took a picture. (Insiyah) I think they put the picture and then they wrote it. (Zackary) I think you connect the camera to the computer and it shows the blog. Then you write. (Insiyah)
Sometimes when we build, we go into partners and people build different things. We were the only ones that built a tower this time. (Mya)
I cut paper shapes into half. (Marziah)
Olivia and Sophia – We made a big cake with lots of jewels, and we cut it into two pieces in the middle. It was symmetrical.
I made the gingerbread. I used a stick to do some of the design. I made a butterfly too. (Insiyah)