Democratic Collaborative Choreography Empowers the Grade 4 class in Performing Arts The Grade 4 class most recent work in Performing Arts surrounds music history, playing and singing with the ukulele and collaborative choreography creation. Together, we voted on a decade of focus; the 1980s. Students have chosen to focus on this decade because “It’s our parents’ music!”-A, Grade 4.
We chose the song “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor and have discussed and analyzed the lyrics and message of the song. Students feel empowered and motivated by their perceived message of perseverance and strength over adversity. “It pumps me up!” says J in Grade 4. We’ve created our own cover version of the song using our voices and the ukulele and have, in small groups, created various forms and styles of choreography using the original track. Before we got started in our groups, students engaged in a series of flocking and mirroring exercises and activities to work on their synchronicity and increase their dance vocabulary and technique. We held a vote to determine which dance moves from each group should be carried forward to use for choreography for our performance during the spring concert and each group as acted as instructors, teaching the class their choreography using the correct dance terminology, reinforcing their own learning and refining their skills as dancers and creators by bringing their works to life in collaboration with others.
We’ve begun the process of piecing our choreography together to create a unified and effective dance for our performance of this powerful song and look forward to sharing it with the audience in the spring!