Each morning, our JK parents drop their children off and entrust them into our care for a day of engaging and experiential learning. As Reggio-inspired educators, we engage our children in their natural sense of wonder, which is at the very root and centre of their learning. This is our guide and our map, which assists us in the direction that the learning will take.
Our Daily Reflections make this learning visible to our Community. We listen, observe and welcome opportunities to explore, investigate, analyze, reflect and document.
As you can perceive by this Richland Mother’s expression, she is captivated by the JK learning which she sees in our documentation. Her joy and wonderment are captured in this photo, which she expressed with us. The Daily Reflections have captured her interest, peeked her curiosity and engaged her into the web of deep, thoughtful and meaningful experiences of our JK children.
This is Inquiry-based Learning at its best.
Knowledge is dynamic, collectively constructed, and informed by many sources. Children are invested in the learning process because they have been given a key role in directing how and what they will learn. Where the children learn from each other. Where the teacher learns from the children.
(Taken from: Natural Curiosity: Building Children’s Understanding of the World through Environmental Inquiry)