The most effective type of teaching is when we plan ahead (pre), during and at the end (post). Before we can delve into a new concept, we must scaffold our student’s overall comprehension and critical thinking skills. We do this through front-loading pertinent vocabulary and key concepts.
In our Investigative research, we have combined both hands-on lessons where the students have been able to ‘wonder’ about and manipulate simple machines. They have also worked diligently towards building their comprehensive schemas. In order to build a machine, a student must first and foremost, know the relevant terminology/functionality of each mechanism.
Through front-loading key vocabulary such as, levers, pulleys, wheel and axels, screw, inclined plane, wedge, etc. and truly understanding what their functions are, our students will continue to build their critical thinking skills. This will help them focus during our advanced stages of building a simple machine. We are implanting these skills through both our Science and Literacy curriculums.The Grades One and Two students have built upon their prior knowledge. They have developed their investigative schemas and have begun to demonstrate an initial understanding behind the function and development of a simple machine. The students will soon be found working in our Tinker lab,designing and building a simple machine. Their machines will aim to lift, in a controlled manner, a marble to the top of the ramp in the Piazza.