The Grade 6 students continue to work hard on their Utopian Businesses in Math. These businesses include an RC plan hobby shop and a specialty hockey store complete with its own ice rink! Their investigations have extended into their decimals unit as they continue with business budgeting; as well as geometry and measurement as they map out the physical layout of their businesses.
The students also had the pleasure of having a speaker in from Richmond Hill’s Small Business Enterprise Centre, Ms. Nanofski, who helped them learn more about what it is like to start a business in Richmond Hill. The students have enjoyed the authentic experience and lifelong learning in this inquiry! Moving forward, the Grade 6 students will complete all the elements of their business including: a budget, layout, marketing plan and business proposal, which they will present to “investors” in the coming months. Continue to follow Inquiry Minds for further developments from our young entrepreneurs!
What a great experience for them all – linking the curriculum to real life. Brilliant!
It was a great experience doing our utopian business plans and I got a good head start and a boost when the Small Business Enterprise Center(SBEC). I think our business plans are so far really great.
“I feel like I’m professional and like a real business woman”