Deeper ThinkingConfidentWorld Ready

This article: 6 Truths…. about learning and technology is definitely worth a read.  #4 resonates with us in particular.
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This year, as a whole school, we will be discovering the power of learning collaboratively from many perspectives, through the examination of ‘Materials’. Worksheets and workbooks have been the entrenched and traditional way of learning in most schools: a one dimensional approach, which is often developmentally 
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The most effective type of teaching is when we plan ahead (pre), during and at the end (post). Before we can delve into a new concept, we must scaffold our student’s overall comprehension and critical thinking skills. We do this through front-loading pertinent vocabulary and key concepts. In 
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We often talk about the Kindergarten Curriculum being an Emergent Curriculum.  It does emerge from the children’s interests, but also the teacher’s interests and the success criteria embedded in The Full Day Kindergarten Curriculum.  Research tells us that  the interests of children provide a window for learning.   
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What a meaningful way to introduce and begin our current events than through the discussion of “What is voting?” This week the Grade One students have discussed: Why we vote, who the candidates are, and whether or not children have the right to vote. All Canadians are 
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According to Lilian G. Katz and Sylvia C. Chard, in the article entitled, ‘The Contribution of Documentation to the Quality of Early Childhood Education’, “Documentation in Reggio Emilia focuses more intensively on children’s experience, memories, thoughts, and ideas in the course of their work. Documentation practices 
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In the 21st century, many students are already familiar with tablets and smartphones, as a means of communication and ‘research’. This year, we are bringing the Grade One students back to the basics of learning how to type. We wondered, can the children type or 
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The students have been exploring various types and quality of lines. We use lines to draw pictures, but we also use lines to write words, numbers and symbols. On maps, they also help us find the best route from one place to another.  Lines have 
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As the JK children begin to explore ‘Materials’, Mrs. Black recalled a significant book by Cathy Weisman Topal and Lella Gandini (1999), who wrote Beautiful Stuff: Children Learning with Found Materials. This book took shape, as the authors began chronicling the experiences of teachers, inspired by the 
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Last week, the Grades 4-7 students were fortunate enough to have in Mr. Kevin Modeste from the New Democratic Party (NDP) to share his knowledge and personal experience about the Canadian government.  Guest speakers are an important factor in student learning as it encourages them 
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